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Important Information Links
- BSc IT NEP Data and Semester Syllabus
- Results March 2024 – ATKT
- CRITERIA 2 – 2.6.2 ( SECOND HALF )
- Annual Result Year April 2022-2023
- Criteria 2 College Exam Result 2022-23
- Results – Regular & ATKT – Oct.2023
- IOT in Smart Cities
- Admissions Open for 2023-24
- Results 2023 – Regular
- Results 2023 – ATKT
- Results 2022
- Project Report
- CBCGS Circular
- Mock Test Links
- Mental Health & Well-Being of Students during and after COVID-19 outbreak
Mental Health & Well-Being of Students during and after COVID-19 outbreak
- Ministry of Health & Family Welfare COVID-19 https://www.mohfw.gov.in/
- Practical tips to take care of your Mental Health during the stay In
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHB3WJsLJ8s&feature=youtu.be
- Minding our minds during the COVID-19 https://www.mohfw.gov.in/pdf/MindingourmindsduringCoronaeditedat.pdf
- Various Health Experts on how to manage Mental health & Well Being during COVID – 19 outbreak
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuKhtSehp24&feature=youtu.be
- Behavioural Health : Pschyo-Social toll free helpline – 0804611007
- Quality Improvement Download
- Mental Health & Well Being of the Students Download
- Minding our minds during Corona outbreak Download
Latest Events

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BSC IT Faculty Achievement for the Year 2023 Prof.Angelina cruz and Prof.Rachana Bari presented a research paper on BREAK THROUGH INNOVATIONS “QUEST, CHALLENGES, JOURNEY”: A CASE STUDY ON USE OF VIRTUAL REALITY IN EDUCATION in Online mode at One Day International Conference of Satish Pradhan Dnyasadhana College,Thane on 28th feb 2023 |
Commerce Faculty Achievement for the Year 2020-21
Commerce Faculty Achievement for the Year 2019-20
Commerce Students Achievement:
Dr. Pramila Raut (Principal)
Prof. Dr. Deepak D Shelar (Vice Principal)
Prof. Prerna S Raut.
Prof. Prakash Sonawane:
Prof.Dr. Vanashri Phalke
Prof. Dr. B. H. Bari.
BSC IT Faculty Achievement : Prof.Ranjeeta Kapoor -Attended a Two days Faculty Development Programme on “Machine Learning using Python” conducted by SDSM college Palghar on 6th & 7th Feb.2020 Prof.Ranjeeta Kapoor -Attended National level webinar on “Towards Excellence in higher education in 21st century” conducted by SSD college of Arts and Commerce. Prof.Ranjeeta Kapoor Completed online course on “How to setup Virtual classroom” held on Youtube channel Kavedia Sir. Prof.Nishtha Kelkar completed an online course on R Language conducted by IIT Mumbai. Prof.Rachana Bari completed online courses on R Language, 5 days workshop on Arduino ,SQL and PHP training conducted by IIT Mumbai. Prof.Rachana Bari attempted an online National level Quiz on General awareness on Covid 19 Pandemic. Prof.Angelina Cruz completed an online course on R Language conducted by IIT Mumbai. Prof.Angelina Cruz completed online course on “How to setup Virtual classroom” held on Youtube channel Kavedia Sir Prof.Jiteshree Raut completed an online course on R Language conducted by IIT Mumbai. Prof.Jiteshree Raut completed an online course on “How to set up a Virtual classroom” held on Youtube channel Kavedia Sir. |
BSC IT Students Achievement : Ankur Patil of SY B.Sc.IT attended a 7 days online workshop on CPP Programming, Core Python, basic programming conducted by Kavedia Sir through Youtube. Sushil Dhangar of SY B.Sc.IT completed a Python Programming course held on Youtube channel Kavedia Sir. Sahara Patel of SY B.Sc.IT completed a Python Programming course held on Youtube channel Kavedia Sir. Usha Nagar of SY B.Sc.IT completed C programming and Java held on Youtube channel Kavedia Sir. Ankita More and Mayuri Gaikwad of TY B.Sc.IT attended an online course on Career Edge -Knockdown the Lockdown by TCS iON. Ankita More attended an online course on Fundamentals of Digital Marketing but Google digital unlocked. Sushil Dhangar of SY B.Sc.IT worked with Resilient Foundation and helped in managing the funds distribution and food distribution to over 17000 people per day. He also worked with the local community to help spread awareness about the CoronaVirus Pandemic and helped in creating posters regarding the safety measures to be followed. |
BSC IT DEPT Research Papers Published Prof.Angelina Cruz and Prof.Ranjeeta Kapoor published research paper in Xian University of Architecture & Technology,Feb 2020,on the topic ” An empirical study of misused personal data from Social media: A Case study on the Facebook data usage in the U.S Elections” Prof.Jiteshree Raut and Prof.Manali Churi published a research paper in Xian University of Architecture & Technology,Feb 2020,on the topic “Role of It in Marketing:Digital Marketing and its impact on Communication with Customers and their buying decision process” . Prof.Jiteshree Raut and Prof.Nishta Kelkar published research paper in Xian University of Architecture & Technology,Feb 2020,on the topic “Impact analysis of mobile technology on Agriculture in rural area” published in International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research,Sep 2019. |
BMS 2019-20
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BMS 2018-19
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BMS DEPT Research Papers Published Prof. Gauri Datir Research papers presented on following topics 1. An empirical study to analyze the impact of social media on relationships and health 2. Green computing as a healthy way of creating clean technology- a case study of rural environmental solutions, pune 3. An empirical study on effectiveness of using mobile as a resource for learning in education in rural area 4. Role of education and women in tribal empowerment for inclusive growth 5. “3 E’s of Skill Development for Vibrant Rural Young India of 21st Century” 6. The Current practices in employment of Disabled people of Indian industry with special reference to Tarapur MIDC |
Prof. Vidya Dahisarkar Research papers presented on following topics 1. Empowerment of tribal art (warli painting) through marketing practices: A case study of Dahanu Taluka 2. Impact of Tarapur MIDC on Economic and Social "Status of Tribal – Mitani Women 3. “3 E’s of Skill Development for Vibrant Rural Young India of 21st Century” 4. Development with Commerce and Management. |
Prof. Vineeta Sharma Research papers presented on following topics 1. “3 E’s of Skill Development for Vibrant Rural Young India of 21st Century” |
BSC Achievements of Teachers:
Ms. Niyati Patil
BSC Achievements of Students:
History Dept.
Ranjeeta Kapoor Presented International Research Paper at SDSM College on the topic of “IOT in Smart Cities” on 3rd Feb.2018 |
Ranjeeta Kapoor & Prof. Gauri Datir Presented National Research Paper at Nanawati College on the topic of “ An Emperical Study of effectiveness of using mobile as a resource for learning in education in Rural area” on 6 September 2018. |
Nishtha Kelkar Presented International Research Paper at SDSM College on the topic of “Green Datacenter” on 3rd Feb.2018 |
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